Add Friends to Apple Music

Adding friends to your Apple Music profile is a great way to discover new music and find out what your friends are listening to. To add friends, open the Music app on your iOS device or Mac. Tap the ‘For You’ tab at the bottom of the screen and then tap your profile icon in the upper-right corner.

On this page you can select ‘Find More Friends’ which will allow you to search for people by their Apple ID or username, as well as automatically adding Facebook contacts who also have an Apple Music account. Once you find someone you want to follow, just click ‘Follow’. If they’re already following you, they’ll be added straight away!

This allows them to see what songs and albums are appearing in each other’s ‘Recently Played’ list so that everyone can easily listen together and share recommendations with one another.

Adding friends to your Apple Music account can be a great way to discover and listen to new music. With the ability to share playlists, songs, albums, and more with your friends, you can easily collaborate on creating the perfect soundtrack for any occasion. You can even get personalized recommendations from your friends based on their likes and dislikes in music.

Whether you’re looking for something specific or just want some fresh tunes, adding friends to Apple Music is an easy way of discovering new music that you might have otherwise missed out on.

How to Add a Family Member To Your Apple Music Subscription

How to Add Friends on Apple Music by Username

Adding friends on Apple Music by username is a great way to find and follow people with similar musical tastes or just stay connected with close friends. To add a friend, go to your profile page, click the “Friends” icon at the bottom of the screen, and then select “Add Friend”. Type in your friend’s username and press enter – if they have an Apple Music account associated with it you will be able to add them right away!

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How to Add Someone on Apple Music Family Plan

Adding someone to your Apple Music Family Plan is easy and convenient. All you need to do is open the Settings app on your device, tap “iTunes & App Store,” select your Apple ID at the top of the page, tap “Family Sharing,” then tap “Add Family Member” and follow the instructions that appear in order to add a family member with an existing Apple ID or create a new one for them. Once added, all members will be able to access their own music libraries as well as share each other’s playlists and recommendations from within the same account.

How to Follow Friends on Apple Music

Following friends on Apple Music is easy and fun! To get started, simply open your Music app on iOS or iTunes for Mac/PC. Then, click the profile icon in the top left corner of the screen and select “Find More Friends.”

Here you can enter your friend’s username or e-mail address to follow them. Your friends will then appear in a list of those you are following under “My Followers” where you can listen to their playlists, albums and more.

How to See Friends on Apple Music

Seeing friends on Apple Music is easy! All you need to do is open the app and click on your profile at the top of the page. From there, you can choose “Friends” from the list of options and connect with other users who have also enabled this feature.

Once connected, you’ll be able to see what music your friends are listening to and what playlists they’ve been creating. You can even follow them so that their activity will show up in your For You tab.

Apple Music Friends

Apple Music Friends is a new feature in Apple Music that allows users to share music with friends. With this feature, you can easily create and send playlists of songs to your friends, see what they’re listening to, and follow each other’s profiles. You can also collaborate on shared playlists or use the “For You” tab to get music recommendations from people you know.

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Can’T Find Friends on Apple Music

If you’re having trouble finding friends on Apple Music, it may be because your contacts have not yet upgraded their account to an Apple Music subscription. If this is the case, you won’t be able to connect with them until they do so. You can also try searching for your contacts by name in the search bar at the top of the app and see if they appear there.

Can You See Who Views Your Apple Music Profile

No, Apple Music does not provide users with any information regarding who has viewed their profile. This privacy feature allows you to listen and share music without worrying about who is seeing your activity. While it’s a great feature for those concerned about their privacy, it can also be frustrating if you’re trying to find out which of your friends have been checking out your profile.

How to Add Someone’S Playlist on Apple Music

Adding someone else’s playlist to your Apple Music library is easy – simply navigate to the ‘For You’ tab, select the profile of the person whose playlist you’d like to add, and tap on their playlists. From there, you can browse through all of their available playlists and pick which ones you’d like to add to your own music library.

Add Friends to Apple Music


Why Can’T I Add Friends on Apple Music?

If you’re trying to add friends on Apple Music but can’t seem to figure out how, it may be because Apple Music does not have a built-in feature allowing users to add friends. While this may be disappointing for some users who would like the social aspect of music streaming, the lack of friend-finding options is intentional and designed with user privacy in mind. To keep your data secure, Apple Music doesn’t allow you to search or follow other customers online; instead, they offer alternative methods such as sharing playlists and connecting through third-party services like Facebook or Twitter.

Additionally, you can use Family Sharing if all members are using an iCloud account associated with the same credit card — that way everyone will have access to each other’s musical library at no extra cost.

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Can You Add Someone to Apple Music Only?

Yes, you can add someone to Apple Music only. To do so, first ensure that the person you want to add has an active Apple Music subscription. Once they have a subscription, open the Apple Music app and tap on your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.

From there, select ‘Add Family Member’ and enter their email address or phone number associated with their Apple ID. Then follow any further instructions given by the app to complete adding them as a family member to your account. This will link both accounts together under one plan and allow them access to all of your music libraries while still maintaining separate profiles for each individual user.


In conclusion, adding friends to Apple Music can be a great way to discover new music and connect with other users. It also allows you to share your favorite songs and playlists with friends as well as follow their activity on the app. With its easy-to-use interface and wide variety of features, Apple Music is an excellent platform for discovering music, connecting with others, and creating personal playlists.

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